Real Estate Investors

Purchasing and investing in real estate has always been an attractive investment option. Whether you are looking to generate additional income or just understand the value of owning a brick and mortar investment.
Why invest in real estate?

Understand why

Understanding your WHY is a key part of investing in real estate. Before starting to invest, make sure to ask yourself:

We can help you find the answers to these questions and assist with your journey in real estate. 

3 different Wealth Buckets

Quick Cash

Building capital (cash) because you do not have enough liquid assets of your own for down payment and closing costs to purchase property yourself right now. Strategies include: Flips & BRRRS, Rent to Own, Wholesaling, Assignments and Joint Venture Partnerships

Cash Flow

You own outright or as part of a joint venture actual real estate that provides income and, after expenses, generates a monthly positive cash flow. Strategies include: Rental Properties, Rent to Own, Multi-Family Buildings and Commercial Properties

Portfolio Income

Your money making money - being a private lender. Strategies include: Private lending (Borrower Money to Make Money, Self Directed RRSP, LIRA & TFSA, and Private Markets & REITS)

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